striping (RAID0) performance ?

Davide Rossetti (
Fri, 19 Jun 1998 20:55:19 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi folks,

I'm testing RAID0 performance of my linux box and I'm not really
impressed. I seem to get something around 10 MB/s towards a 2 aic7xxx
controllers, 4 disks setup.
some simple benchmark results are available at:
<A HREF="">
Could someone explain to me why aren't they so exciting ?

It seems that the md driver is only remapping sectors, not using any
I/O overlapping. this way the performance gain is marginal.
Am I wrong ?

|Rossetti Davide INFN - Sezione Roma I - gruppo V, prog. APEmille|
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|--o00O-O00o-- fax : (+39)-6-4957697 |
| address: Dipartimento di Fisica (V.E.) |
| Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" |
| P.le Aldo Moro,5 I - 00185 Roma - Italy|
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