Re: sched.c documentation patch

Finn Arne Gangstad (
Tue, 2 Jun 1998 14:19:42 +0200 (MET DST)

On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Colin Plumb wrote:

> The code is neat, but could be commented a bit better.
> In particular, I think the invariant relationship between
> tv?.index and timer_jiffies should be made clear so no future
> hacker messes it up.
> I also fixed a jiffies-overflow buglet (it requires a delay
> of greater than 1<<26 jiffies that spans jiffies wrapping 2^32,
> which is pretty unlikely) so that it works right.
> Note that delays over 2^31 jiffies don't work on 32-bit platforms, so
> perhaps a more vigorous complaint in the handling for that case
> is in order.

Note that a lot of code expects to be able to compare jiffies with
unsigned < to see what event is supposed to be first. Ingo Molnar once
suggested to replace all such checks with BEFORE() and AFTER() macros
which were defined something like

#define BEFORE(a, b) ((long)((a) - (b)) < 0L)
#define AFTER(a, b) ((long)((a) - (b)) > 0L)

But nothing happened (I think)

- Finn Arne

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