
Peter Svensson (petersv@df.lth.se)
Mon, 1 Jun 1998 01:45:50 +0200 (MET DST)

On Sun, 31 May 1998, Roderich Schupp wrote:

> Given this restriction your only chance to have more than 256 ptys
> is to hack the driver source to allocate another major device number
> for the next 256 ptys etc. BTW what are you really trying to achieve?
> Do you really need >256 user terminal sessions? Maybe there's
> another way to solve your original problem?

Isn't the devfs supposed to allow major/minor-less devices? I seem to
recall that for some devices major/minor number were used anywas since
userland code used it (mounted filesystems e.g.). For ptys this should be
no problem.


Peter Svensson      ! Pgp key available by finger, fingerprint:
<petersv@df.lth.se> ! 8A E9 20 98 C1 FF 43 E3  07 FD B9 0A 80 72 70 AF
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