empty_zero_page+setup on intel?

Gerd Knorr (kraxel@goldbach.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de)
Fri, 29 May 1998 15:25:15 +0200 (MEST)

Hi !

Is there anywhere documented who uses which area of the empty_zero_page?
The page which is used to pass some parameters from real to protected
mode. I checked arch/i386/kernel/setup.c. Looks like struct screen_info
starts at offset zero, next one is struct apm_bios_info at offset 64.

There is some space between the end of screen_info and the start of
apm_bios_info, so I assumed it is no problem to add some fields to
screen_info without breaking anything. BTW: the VESA 2.0-based graphic
framebuffer driver for intel uses this, the current code is checked in at

In the meantime I noticed, it does break something. It is impossible to
pass any command line parameters if I boot up my box in graphics mode.
I suspect this is because the area between screen_info and apm_bios_info
is *not* free, but used by somebody else. But I don't know where to look
for it...

Any Idea?


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