Re: Modularized x86 math emulation PATCH against pre-2.1.104-1
Sun, 24 May 1998 14:49:19 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 24 May 1998, Adam J. Richter wrote:

> Here is an untested patch that modularizes x86 math emulation.
> It includes kmod support, so that the kernel can be made to automatically
> load the math_emu module when a program starts executing floating point
> instructions, and "kmod -a" will unload the module if no floating point
> code has been run for a while.
> There are two significant advantages to the modularization
> of x86 math emulation:
> 1. Users of 386's are likely also to have limited RAM
> resources. Under this arrangement, the ~100kB
> used by math emulation is only occupied when a
> floating point program has recently run. At other
> times, the memory is free for other purposes.

So what happens when the system is low on memory (ie less than 100K
available with kswapd in a frenzy) and FPU is needed? Or is having ~100kB
free not an issue?

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