uvfat for 2.0.33+ or 2.1.xx

Jan Vicherek (honza@ied.com)
Sun, 17 May 1998 00:25:04 -0400 (EDT)


I just noticed that uvfat is not supported in 2.0.33 . How can I get it
to work ?
What is the latest kernel in which is uvfat supported ?
Alternatively, where could I find a patch for uvfat for 2.0.33+ ?



-- Gospel of Jesus is the saving power of God for all who believe --
Jan Vicherek ## To some, nothing is impossible. ## www.ied.com/~honza
>>> Free Software Union President ... www.fslu.org <<<
Interactive Electronic Design Inc. -#- PGP: finger honza@ied.com

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