The Masses Have Spoken on the Boot Logo Topic :)

Phil's Kernel Account (
Fri, 15 May 1998 15:44:03 -0400 (EDT)

The current slashdot ( poll is "The Answer to the
Linux Boot logo Debate." I just voted (for No Logo by Default, of
course:), and here's the current results.

Logo by Default [INLINE] [INLINE] [INLINE] 45 / 34%
No Logo by Default [INLINE] [INLINE] [INLINE] 38 / 29%
Just Leave it Alone [INLINE] [INLINE] [INLINE] 12 / 9%
Who Cares? [INLINE] [INLINE] [INLINE] 36 / 27%

That's a total of 63% (+/-1%) that are FOR a boot logo. The majority want
it by default, but it's a narrow margin. Only 9% don't want it, and 27%
don't care either way.

Now, IIRC, Linux is an OS by the masses, for the masses. I think the
masses have spoken. ;)

-Phil R. Jaenke ( /
TheGuyInCharge(tm), Ketyra Designs - We get paid to break stuff :)
Linux pkrea.ketyra.INT 2.0.33 #15 Sat Apr 18 00:40:21 EDT 1998 i586
Linux 2.0.33 #15 Fri Apr 17 00:22:13 EDT 1998 i586
- Linus says for 'brave people only.' I say 'keep a backup.' - :)

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