> On Fri, May 15, 1998 at 02:38:33AM +0000, H. Peter Anvin wrote:
> >
> > Actually, the PII has an external L2 cache running at 2:1 clock
> > vs. the core; the PPro has an internal L2 cache at 1:1 (faster).
Yeah faster, except of course for the p-II-400's l2 cache which is running
at 2:1, 200mhz, the speed of the currently (and not long in the future)
available ppro's
> I think the Pentium II Xeon's address this bu having a larger (1-4 MB) 1:1
> cache (Could be wrong).
nope, not wrong.
p-II zeon will be introduced june 29th at the low low price of $1150 for
the 512kb l2 cache 400mhz model.
the 450mhz model with 2mb of l2 cache is supposed to be end of july for
$4500 which is a bit silly if you ask me...
given that list for the pII-350 will be about $400 in july I can kind of
bet where my money will be spent in that timeframe.
> -Chris
> -
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