SCSI tape problem, 2.1.88

Pat Huber (
15 May 1998 17:09:29 GMT

I have a dual PII (300) system on an ASUS P2L97-DS mainboard. The
system boots from an ATA drive on the EIDE interface and has a
built in AH2940UW SCSI interface which controls an external disk
and external DLT in seperate boxes. The devices are as follows:

Vendor: QUANTUM Model: DLT7000 Rev: 1B41 (tape)
Vendor: QUANTUM Model: QM318000TD-SW Rev: N1B0 (disk)

Total cable length is 60", well within spec.

When I try to tar from the disk to tape (%tar -cvf /dev/st0 bigdisk)

I get (after about 100 megs of data transfer):

kernel: scsi0: CMDCMPLT without command for SCB 3, QOUTCNT 0,
QINCNT 0, SCB flags 0x0, cmd 0x0

However, tarring from the ATA disks works just fine. This leads me
to believe that there is an interrupt problem when running two devices
on the AH2940UW. Is this right? Is there a fix. Note that I am using
(not by choice) RH4.2.

Thanks in advance. -pat

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