Re: boot images/logos/splashes (yet another idea)

Rogier Wolff (
Fri, 15 May 1998 11:47:33 +0200 (MET DST)

Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> On Thu, 14 May 1998 wrote:
> > From: Marnix Coppens <>
> >
> > As long as we don't use IBM's idea for AIX to show some 3-digit numbers
> > on the LEDs to indicate the progress and possible errorcodes.
> > "Hello, support ? My RS/6000 got stuck at number 204."
> >
> > Eh? Why not, at least as an add-on?
> > I work on the IBM SP Support Line.
> > Those numbers are a *godsend* to us, though I'd like to get boot
> > messages like Linux uses as well. The combination would be wonderful.
> Yeah, our most popular number is `200'. But without the manual, it's very
> difficult to find out that the machine just wants someone to find the key and
> turn the lock.
> > Typical conversation:
> > "Hello, support? My node is hanging at 231"
> > "Ok. Do you have an entry in /etc/bootptab for this node?"
> >
> > Conversation without numbers:
> > "Hello, support? My node is hanging."
> > "Ok, what's the last thing on the screen?"
> > " says something about sending and receiving packets."

Yeah. So you have to be smart about it. Develop a sense of the level
of your conversation partner.

> > "Hello, support? My node is hanging."
> > "Ok, what's the last thing on the screen?"
" says something about Bogomips.
Ok, got that, and what's the line below that?
"Memory: ... "
Ok, Now I want you to go all the way to the bottom, and read the
very last line.
"Starting kswapd "
And below that?
"What do you mean below that? You asked me for the last one."
Ok. Good.

Might take a few tries, but eventually we'll get there :-)


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