Re: Why from there?

Riley Williams (
Fri, 15 May 1998 03:05:00 +0100 (BST)

Hi there.

>>>> Personally, I'm of the opinion that Linus and the alpha team
>>>> probably have enough problems dealing with genuine bugs without
>>>> having to wade through these phantom ones as well...I know that
>>>> I'm most certainly in that position...

>>> In other words I think that this is a non-argument to a
>>> non-problem.

>> Which is clearly your version of "it doesn't affect me so I can't
>> be bothered to solve it" !!!!!!!

> No, I said "non-argument to a non-problem" and that is exactly what
> I meant.

If I had the foggiest idea what such a meaningless phrase was meant to
convey, I would have commented on it, but I didn't then, and still

> Remember: I asked you why it is a big deal worth shouting about?

Which I replied to...and got that meaningless rubbish in response...

> I added a smily such that you would not misunderstand my
> interogative. It was an honest question.. I was _trying_ to see
> your side.

I have to admit that the impression gained here was that you were just
trying to frighten me into quieting down about something you didn't
want to see happen, and I replied on that basis...

> There may be a side there to understand, but your version of it is
> no longer of any interest to me.

Your loss...

>>> BTW, your mailer is buggy.. it added a public cc to a private
>>> mail.

>> Nope, YOUR mailserver is buggy - when I sent that as a private
>> mail to you, it was bounced with the report "Sorry, Your domain
>> does not exist", and I was FORCED to send it to the mailing list
>> just to let you get a copy thereof. If you don't want suchlike
>> emails to appear on the mailing list, sort YOUR mailserver out
>> first, THEN complain to the sender...

> FORCED my ass. My provider isn't perfect, but does work quite well.

If you can tell me how I'm supposed to get a private response to
somebody when even emails to their ISP's postmaster account are
bounced with the complaint that mine is a non-existant domain, please
do, then I will know what to do if it happens again...

> I do hope that this comes across as a proper flame.. and that you
> were entertained in the manner you seem to desire. I don't have any
> more time for this crap, so LATER.

If that was meant as a flame, it failed, otherwise it would have
received the sort of contempt it deserved. I have to admit being
richly entertained by your attempted gagging though...

Best wishes from Riley.

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