RE: 2.1.98 klogd-1.3-3

Russell Berry (
Tue, 28 Apr 1998 09:04:20 -0400 (EDT)

Good day Dieter and others...

I experienced the same problem and found one of the causes to be that the EIP
format of klogd is different from the new kernels, whereas mem structs in the
old kernels held values of regs cs,ss,etc, the new kernels carry the full
xcs,xss,etc. Even with sysklogd-1.3-25 the same holds true. My solution just
to get it to run was simply to start klogd with the -x option, which omits the
reading of that information from the kernel.

I do however plan on revising the code of klogd to account for the new scheme,
I am not a maintainer of the package, but I've chosen to take on the task just
because it needs to be done.

So, for the time being, just to get your logs running, try it with the -x
options. But keep in mind that if you crash, klogd won't be logging any info
for it, at least nothing from ksym. Caveat emptor...


On 28-Apr-98 Dieter Nützel" wrote:
> Hello,
> since 2.1.81 as I remember right, I have to start klogd twice (rc.S and
> rc.local, Slackware) to get it run. It appears two times in the
> log-files but if I only start it in 'rc.S' it logs some things and then
> goes away without any message. What's wrong, the kernel or must I have a
> newer version of klogd? Where can I grep it?
> Regards,
> Dieter
> ---
> Dieter Nuetzel
> Graduate Student, Computer Science
> University of Hamburg
> Department of Computer Science
> Cognitive Systems Group
> Vogt-Koelln-Strasse 30
> 22527 Hamburg, Germany
> email:
> -
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