2.1.98 - kernel fault? my stupid fault ?

Meino Christian Cramer (root@solfire.ludwigsburg.netsurf.de)
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 20:52:16 -0000 (???)


I have a problem and cannot decide, what causing
this behaviour.

Logged in as root, I can change my password.

Logged in as user I will get right after invoking

UID and username does not match, imposter!

The permission are set correctly IMHO:

/etc drwxr-xr-x
/etc/passwd -rw-r--r--
/usr/bin/passwd -rws--x--x

With bash
echo "$UID" gives me the same UID as in /etc/passwd for that user.

What is going wrong here?


Another thing:

Suppose, I am logged in as root, logout, log in again, and so forth say -- six times.

Then I give a "who" to the commandline and TADA! ALL previous "persons" seemed to be logged in currently. Same happens, if I log in as a "normal" user. All users seemed to be remembered by the system, despite the fact, that they have logged out in the meanwhile.

Again, my fault? Kernel misbehaviour?

Any help welcome, call me stupid, if neccessary ;-)


---------------------------------- E-Mail: Meino Christian Cramer <root@solfire.ludwigsburg.netsurf.de> Date: 25-Apr-98 Time: 20:41:21

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