Zombies in 2.1.98

Damien Miller (dmiller@ilogic.com.au)
Sat, 25 Apr 1998 02:32:00 +1000 (EST)

I am still seeing persistant zombie processes stuck in do_exit in 2.1.98

It seems to only affect processes which are reaped by wait4, this seems to
include sendmail, ans thus my process table fills up pretty quickly after
a few runs of fetchmail :(

The PPID of the zombies is shown as 0 by ps. The real parent process
behaves normally. The problem does not manifest with a UP kernel (this is
a dual-processor machine, with only one processor).

I have not had any experience diagnosing kernel bugs, so any suggestion on
how to further track this would be appreciated.

Damien Miller

| Damien Miller | dmiller@ilogic.com.au | http://www.ilogic.com.au/
| Internet Logic - Consulting, design, implementation and administration

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