2.0.x and gcc 2.8.1/egcs/pgcc (Was: [Fwd: STL and LyX])

Khimenko Victor (khim@sch57.msk.ru)
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 21:35:12 +0400 (MSD)

22-Apr-98 01:07 you wrote:
> A little conflict here, eh?
Yes. It's almost impossible to compile heavy-templated code with and
you must use for 2.0.x kernels compilation. 2.1.9x are (and I am hope
2.2 will be :-) Ok with egcs/pgcc or gcc 2.8.1. So when 2.2 will be out (I am
hope that this will be before 2000 :-) 2.0.x will be obsoleted and you'll can
throw away Since egcs/pgcc/gcc 2.8.1 (even all four of
them :-) could coexist without any troubles on one comp you could use two
different compilers for different purposes... After all is's was impossible
to link LyX itself with very latest forms library (may be this is true even
now -- I am not sure :-))

> To: lyx@via.ecp.fr
> Subject: Re: STL and LyX
> From: larsbj@ifi.uio.no (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
> >> Alejandro Aguilar Sierra writes:
> AAS> Hi devs, As you all know we are moving to STL. If you have not
> AAS> doing yet, get it now and start to play with it.
> Note that to use Templates you really need to use GCC 2.8.x or Ecgs.
> (and the STL uses templates a lot)
> Gcc 2.7.x.x has limited support for parts of the STL.
> Lgb

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