2.0.34pre clean up

Shaleh (shaleh@livenet.net)
Wed, 22 Apr 1998 00:39:09 -0400

In ide-cd.c in ide_cdrom_ioctl() on line 2417 struct atapi_toc *toc is
defined. It is not used. There was a block that did use it:
/* DON'T make sure the TOC is up to date. */
/* stat = cdrom_read_toc (drive, NULL);
if (stat) return stat;

toc = drive->cdrom_info.toc;

if (lba < 0 || lba >= toc->capacity)
return -EINVAL; */
This is the only use of toc where it is in scope.

In fs/fat/dir.c line 116 static void dump_de(struct msdos_dir_entry *de)
is defined but not used anywhere.

In fs/nls_cp437.c 437 static unsigned char charset2upper[256] is defined
but never used.

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