Re: PATCH: smart symlink loop detection.

Linus Torvalds (
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 21:40:16 -0700 (PDT)

On Tue, 21 Apr 1998, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
> According to linus, readlink() is not guaranteed do exactly the same thing
> as follow_link(). There's some craziness that goes on with /proc.

It's not really a matter of "craziness" - it's a matter of being useful.

The "follow symlink == readlink + lookup" behaviour is unacceptable to me.
It happens to be what all disk-based filesystems do, but it is not what I
_want_ it to do.

In particular, for just about any virtual filesystem it makes a lot more
sense to have a separate "follow-link" that has _nothing_ to do with
looking up a pathname. For example, imagine a virtual "network connection"
filesystem, where you can look up any open socket. The socket really
doesn't have a path in the filesystem, but using a "link" (forget the word
"symlink" because people are too fixated with traditional symlinks) to
find the socket makes perfect sense.

In particular, do something like this with the current /proc filesystem:

[torvalds@penguin torvalds]$ echo hello | sleep 1000 &
[1] 12886
[torvalds@penguin torvalds]$ cd /proc/12886/
[torvalds@penguin 12886]$ ls
cmdline cpu cwd environ exe fd maps mem
root stat statm status
[torvalds@penguin 12886]$ cd fd/
[torvalds@penguin fd]$ ls -l
total 0
lr-x------ 1 torvalds torvalds 64 Apr 20 21:36 0 -> pipe:[71371]
lrwx------ 1 torvalds torvalds 64 Apr 20 21:36 1 -> /dev/ttyp4
lrwx------ 1 torvalds torvalds 64 Apr 20 21:36 2 -> /dev/ttyp4
[torvalds@penguin fd]$ cat 0
[torvalds@penguin fd]$

and think hard about the above. Test it yourself: it really does work. And
look closely at the "symlink" that is fd/0 - it is a symlink to an entity
that really doesn't even have a pathname.

And the really cool thing is that the /proc filesystem is in no way
"special". As far as the VFS layer is concerned, the /proc filesystem is
just another filesystem, and in order to get the above "magical" symlink
we haven't had to do anything ugly at all at the VFS level.

In short, I will completely _veto_ any symlink behaviour that doesn't
allow magical symlinks like the above. I happen to think that they not
only make a lot of sense, they are cool and useful features. And you can't
implement them cleanly as a "readlink+lookup" thing.


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