Re: Updates to serial driver

Richard Guy Briggs (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 08:13:21 -0500 (EST)

> From: F Harvell <>
> Of course, in American English the search and replace would change
> to be cannonicalize -> canonicalize. ;^)

...and the rest of the world would change it back...(without the extra 'n' ;-)

> Mr. F Harvell Phone:407 696-4340

...and the rest of the world would add a "+" with their country code on
the front of international documents...not assuming too much.

The rest of the world (with the exception of Canada) uses A4 paper and
the word 'tyre' too.

Slainte Mhath, rgb

Richard Guy Briggs -- PGP key available                       Auto-Free Ottawa!
rgb at conscoop dot ottawa dot on dot ca                       Ottawa-Rideau Bioregion, Canada
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