Re: New dad (again)..

Keith Winstein (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 02:49:32 -0500

On Thu, Apr 16, 1998 at 07:37:34PM -0700, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> My second daughter (aka "Linus v3.0") was born today at 9:04AM, and both
> mother and child are doing well. A national holiday has been announced,
> and I'll be even less responsible^H^H^Hve than usual - so please excuse
> any lost emails and patches.

[keithw@meta:/mnt/]% cat WARNING-2.1.44
WARNING: 2.1.44 is extremely unstable and can cause filesystem
corruption! Please test only on systems where you can tolerate data

[keithw@meta:/mnt/]% ls -l linux-2.1.44.tar.gz
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sylvia 101 8351466 Jul 7 1997 linux-2.1.44.tar.gz

Now, what are the chances that apparently the *only* kernel in all of
2.0.* and 2.1.* with major filesystem corruption problems just _happened_
to be released almost exactly one birth term ago? :-)

--------------- The Way does not belong to things seen: nor to things unseen.
Keith Winstein It does not belong to things known: nor to things unknown. Do not seek it, study it, or name it.
--------------- To find yourself on it, open yourself wide as the sky.

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