Re: New dad (again)..

Steffen Grunewald (
Fri, 17 Apr 1998 09:40:15 +0200 (MET DST)

Linus Torvalds wrote:
|> My second daughter (aka "Linus v3.0") was born today at 9:04AM, and both
|> mother and child are doing well. A national holiday has been announced,
|> and I'll be even less responsible^H^H^Hve than usual - so please excuse
|> any lost emails and patches.
|> Weight: 3270g (7lb 3oz), height: 52cm (20.5")
|> Linus

Congratulations Linus (and your growing family) - looks like soon there
will be more children than computers around you :)

Some time ago I heard rumours that men involved in computing and
radio are getting more daughters than sons - it strikes me that you
might be part of the proof :-) Perhaps we should start kind of
census in hackers' families (insofar they exist) ...
No, I'm no hacker, not even a crash tester. Got two sons 8-)

Steffen G.

P.S. Shouldn't that be v2.2, 3.0 being reserved for grandchildren ?

Steffen Grunewald = steffen(at) = fax +49-331-288-1266
        try to `finger` for details
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