Re: ppp_deflate and bsd_comp

Smilax Rotundifolia (
Thu, 16 Apr 1998 12:08:38 -0400 (EDT)

ppp_deflate and bsd_comp are different kinds of compression over PPP. It
believe both shrink the packets, send the compressed packet to the other
computer, and expand it accordingly. They are used by pppd. To use BSD
compression or PPP deflation, first do:

/sbin/modprobe bsd_comp
/sbin/modprobe ppp_deflate

PPPD will uses these if you call them in /etc/ppp/options. To use them,
add these lines in:

deflate x,x
bsdcomp x,x

For Deflation, x is any number from 8-15. For BSD compression, x is 9-15.
Read the man page on pppd for more details.

You can put both lines in /etc/ppp/options, but if both are called,
deflation will be used, and BSD compression will basically be ignored. Of
course, Deflation does a better job, but it works the server a bit
harder. Some ISP's won't support compression, in which case you should
complain, because compression would make the connection seem noticeably
faster if used properly.

I may be wrong on any or all of the above points. Go read up and find out
for yourself. :)

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On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Woodstock wrote:

> Just a general question here... Within the past two weeks I upgraded from
> 2.0 to 2.1 kernels, and I now see that I have a "ppp_deflate" module as
> well as a "bsd_comp" What is the specific purpose of each and when
> should each be used? Which gives better compression? And can they be
> used concurrently?
> Thank you.
> -Sir Woody Hackswell
> (The ArchFool)
> -
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