Re: 2.1.90 network layer again not responsive

Alan Cox (
Sat, 21 Mar 1998 09:01:42 +0000 (GMT)

> >Actually you arent supposed to delay the initial ack to <mss sized frame
> >because you may otherwise delay the other end quite materially as it will
> >be doing Nagle at the time.
> Is that really true?

It is a bit simplistic but thats what some peoples view point is.

> Isn't one of the benefits of delayed ack that the acks get sent back with the
> character echo (or other display update) for interactive sessions?

Yes. Its one of the bigger ones.

> Maybe acks for short (<mss) frames should be delayed _less_ than long (=mss)
> frames.

Well Dave appears to have his own magic formula now and it works rather well
in testing here. Who needs theory with a Dave Miller around ;)


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