Re: BogoMIPS revisitied...MMX

Gerard Roudier (
Wed, 18 Mar 1998 22:16:05 +0100 (MET)

On Tue, 17 Mar 1998, George Bonser wrote:

> Here is an interesting array:
> AMD K5-100: 199.07 BMPS
> INTEL P-60: 23.96 BMPS
> Cryix 6x86 P150+ (at 120MHz): 52.33 BMPS
> INTEL 486-DX266: 33.08 BMPS.

This BogoPENIS^H^H^H^H^HMIPS comparison shows how fast these processors
are able to execute some useless code.
This perhaps speeds up M$ O/Ses ... ;)

> Why is the AMD 100MHz CPU 4x faster (in BogoMIPS) than a Cyrix running a
> 20% higher clock speed? I would say that the AMD CPU Microcode is
> optimized more toward the type of instruction that the bogomips loop
> executes. Why is it nearly 10x faster than the Intel chip?

Seems the AMD K5 branch prediction algorithm and execution units are very
fortunate with the Bogo loop.
But the normal Pentium and the Cryix (you did this fine mistake above :-)
P150+ seem to have great problem to predict the Bogo loop branch. Probably
just too lazy rabbits. :)

> I dunno, but I think I will buy more AMD chips ;)

Indeed, you should, if the Bogo MIPS result is your preferred Linux
application. ;)


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