Re: SPAM on linux-kernel (was Re: Forwarded mail....)

Jason L Tibbitts III (
10 Mar 1998 19:47:18 -0600

>>>>> "SM" == Stefan Monnier <monnier+lists/linux/kernel/news/@TEQUILA.SYSTEMSZ.CS.YALE.EDU> writes:

SM> It seems that there's a half-decent way around it:

Except that Majordomo doesn't do this. Well, my development version of
Majordomo2 does something like it, but it is just getting to alpha release
and while I am content to run non-critical lists with it, I don't think I'd
trust it to run linux-kernel.

I am working hard to get a more featureful Majordomo release out to people.
More development talent is, of course, always appreciated. (Interested
parties should head to

- J<

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