Re: [PATCH] kswapd fix & logic improvement

Benjamin C.R. LaHaise (
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 14:17:33 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Rik van Riel wrote:
> > Turned out the kswapd messages weren't related to the thrashing.
> > I would have seen it if I hadn't jumped straight into X.
> Ahh, yes. X allocates a _lot_ of memory at once, and then
> the damn thing _uses_ it at once... This is guaranteed to
> make kswapd a bit nervous, both with or without my patch.

Not only that, but the network activity X induces puts additional stress
on an already low-memory system by allocating lots of unswappable memory.
When might we see Pavel's patches to the networking stack meant to get
swapping over TCP working, but I think they'll really help stability on
systems with low-memory and busy networks, get integrated?


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