Re: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source

Alan Cox (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 19:26:51 +0000 (GMT)

> Not quite true. The line discplines make call backs to the driver for
> things like tty->driver.throttle, tty->driver.unthrottle on the input
> side. (Which is actually not as bad as I thought it would be; it's much
> worse if you're following the line discpline ---> tty driver path for
> tty output.)

Which is fine. a) I dont have to pass the real tty object to the second
discipline and b)if Im careful i can swap driver.throttle/unthrottle too

Most of the callbacks for a keyboard addin wont apply - input throttles
pass through and we are shrinking the data, output Im assuming doesnt occur
(capslock ?)


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