u32 vs. kernel vs. glibc2

Werner Almesberger (almesber@lrc.di.epfl.ch)
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 21:00:13 +0100 (MET)

[ Copied to linux-atm, because that's where the problem originally appeared. ]

Maybe I can start another religious war to replace the GGI "discussion" ;-)

I'm trying to do something really simple: I'm trying to write a header file
that can be included both from the kernel and from a user space program.
The latter will be compiled in an environment using libc.5 or glibc2.

Now, in that header file, I want to express an integer quantity of a given
size, e.g. an unsigned integer of 32 bits.

In the kernel, I can use:
In glibc2, I can use:
In libc.5, I can use:

The intersection of the three sets is empty, so my header file will have
to do something "special".

Is u_int32_t "official" in any way ? POSIX 1003.1, 1996 doesn't list it
or anything similar. Of course it's okay for libc to introduce such an
identifier (POSIX 1003.1 2.7.2).

Likewise, what's the situation with __u32 ? Its use is of course allowed
by ANSI C 7.1.3. For backwards compatibility, this seems to be what
glibc2 should have provided.

It seems that I either have to introduce u_int32_t in the kernel name
space, __u32 in the glibc2 name space, or generate yet another set of
identifiers. Are linux/types.h and glibc2 sys/types.h moving towards a
solution of this problem or will I have to live forever with some
#ifdef __KERNEL__ do this #else do that #endif
hack ?

- Werner

 / Werner Almesberger, DI-ICA,EPFL,CH   werner.almesberger@lrc.di.epfl.ch /

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