Re: GGI, EGCS/PGCC, Kernel source

Ard van Breemen (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 16:53:43 +0100 (MET)

On 23 Feb 1998, Jes Degn Soerensen wrote:
> There is also the question whether GGI is the right approach or not!
> On the m68k we need to use framebuffers and thus framebuffer consoles,
> however I have not seen a lot of evidence that it will actually buy us
> a lot to tale the GGI approach rather than the nice and fairly simple
> `fbcon' style we use now. Bascially fbcon (and the abstract console
> system) allows for framebuffer consoles, VGA-like text mode consoles,
> consoles on weird devices such as TIGA boards and it allows for
Hmmm, is there somebody working on TIGA? I hate to switch to SCO, even to
only try out there X-server. As TIGA is very computer-independent joined
forces could be very nice.
> screen-mode switching in the kernel, which is necessary for the
> framebuffer devices. I can't see a lot of other graphics related
> issues that needs to go into the kernel.
As for tiga, I can only see some communications go in the Kernel. Probably
the whole X-server could run on the TIGA board :). If it really is that
bad the communication could be written as a network device... But then
again it is not necessary except that polling is not that nice for a board
that is only accessed through a single I/O port... Every us counts in that

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