Re: Gettask

Roderich Schupp (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 23:29:12 +0100 said:
> Yes, more or less is the same. But since there is no way to know if a
> process is running, without using an external command or other
> non-standard ways, IMHO these calls could be useful.Since you can kill
> a process via system call, I think you should be able to see if a
> process is running or not.
What about
fuser /path/to/program
Cheers, Roderich
WHAT? I thought these were stuffed peppers.  Honey, what the heck IS this??
               Whatever it is, I'm not eating it!
Roderich Schupp
ExperTeam GmbH 
Munich, Germany               Linux: 2.1.87

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