
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:10:54 +0000

I was noticing the incredibly paultry implementation of the vmstat
command in linux. It really doesn't seem to tell very much about
anything much less about what is going on in the VM system.

For my Kernel Internals II class project, I was planning to begin
beefing up vmstat for 2.3. (I won't submit the patches until we
already have 2.2). The first thing that I was going to do was change
kmalloc and kfree so that they take an additional parameter, the type
of the structure. Then I would keep track of all the mallocs and frees
of a particular type. It was that functionality that allowed them to
catch the memory leaks in BSD. That would add one more option and
would be the bulk of my project. Then I would go on instrumenting the
vm system and putting the info in the proc file system and implemting
it in vmstat.

Three questions:
1) Is anybody already working on this?
2) Does anybody have any problem with me modifying kmalloc and kfree?
3) Any suggestions on what kind of things you would like to see in

Ideas so far:
1) Number of each kind of kernel structure currently in use.
2) Number of pages allocated to each size of chunk handed out by the


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