kernel nfsd problems - 2.0.85

Andreas Jellinghaus (
Tue, 10 Feb 1998 22:07:59 +0100

Feb 10 16:56:56 fw-athene kernel: nfsd_create: dentry fw-cip64/tmp not negative!
Feb 10 16:58:30 fw-athene kernel: fh_verify: run/utmp permission failure, acc=a,
Feb 10 16:58:30 fw-athene kernel: fh_verify: client/etc permission failure, acc=
13, error=503316480
Feb 10 16:58:30 fw-athene kernel: fh_verify: var/log permission failure, acc=13,
Feb 10 16:58:31 fw-athene kernel: fh_verify: run/utmp permission failure, acc=2,

i'm exporting /client to a machine booting it as root filesystem :
readonly, and i'm exporting /export/HOSTNAME/ to the same machine as
/var (with overmounting the existing /var from the root filesystem).

/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp.

most things are working fine, but x11 isn't working (like if /tmp/.X11*
did not exist). the client is running 2.0.33, the server 2.0.85 with
latest linux-nfs (downloaded 16.00 gmt or so). any ideas ?


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