setserial: device or resource busy on wrong device?

James Mastros (
Mon, 9 Feb 1998 17:58:29 -0500 (EST)

17:52:54:root:/usr/src->setserial /dev/ttyS0;setserial /dev/ttyS1;setserial /dev/ttyS2;setserial /dev/ttyS3
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS1: Device or resource busy
/dev/ttyS2, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 7, Flags: spd_vhi
/dev/ttyS3, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3, Flags: spd_vhi

17:54:12:root:/proc->ls */fd/* -l|grep ttyS
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Feb 9 17:54 2129/fd/5 -> /dev/ttyS3
lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Feb 9 17:54 268/fd/4 -> /dev/ttyS0

17:54:32:root:/proc->ls */fd/* -l|grep cua*
<no matches>

Whaddup? When I was futzing with my serial setup a bit ago, it appeared
that if ttyS0 was being used, ttyS2 would be "busy", and vice-versa. Same
for ttyS1/ttyS3. (so I needed to do all my setserialing before starting gpm.)

Also, the serial interupts in /proc/interups are wrong:
0: 7380909 XT PIC timer
1: 51268 XT PIC keyboard
2: 0 XT PIC cascade
3: 373831 XT PIC serial
4: 112718 XT PIC serial
13: 1 XT PIC fpu
14: 215364 XT PIC ide0
15: 105 XT PIC ide1
NMI: 0

17:57:11:root:/proc->cat /proc/tty/driver/serial
serinfo:1.0 driver:4.24
0: uart:16550A port:3F8 irq:4 baud:1200 tx:158 rx:113092 fe:14 brk:35 RTS|DTR
1: uart:16550A port:2F8 irq:3 baud:9600 tx:0 rx:0
2: uart:16550A port:3E8 irq:7 baud:9600 tx:805 rx:1133 CTS|DSR
3: uart:16550A port:2E8 irq:3 baud:115200 tx:905399 rx:3735525 RTS|CTS|DTR|DSR|CD
<note interupt 7>

-=- James Mastros

"Do not judge an idea by it's source, but by it's content."
	-=- Me

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