Re: 2.1.82 boot failure

Otel Florian-Daniel (
Thu, 29 Jan 1998 17:00:49 GMT

>> I just tried to fire up 2.1.82. Bare, no fancy modules. When it
>> boots it block. The only relevant message seems to be:
>> Ocuh, no kerneld for message 2147418113

> You probably did not answer "yes" to the config question "Unix domain
> sockets". You are pretty likely to need them on a typical linux installation,
> so there is little point in putting them in a module, or not putting
> them at all.

First, i have to appologize. I haven't seen Peter's (<>)
message on 5 of Jan. describing the same situation when Unix Domain
sockets were not complied into the kernel..:) :)

> The "yes" answer is the default on the i386, but not on all archs (which is
> bad, imho).

Actually it was the default in my source too and after a microsecond
of thought i decided that whoever choosed to put it to "NO" knew what he
was doing...I agree with you that it might be better to have them
included by default.

FYI, I got the tar.gz from funet, if that matters...

> --Thomas Pornin

Thanks to all of you,
