Re: 3.0 wishlist Was: Overview of 2.2.x goals?

Rogier Wolff (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 22:13:01 +0100 (MET)

David Woodhouse wrote:
> said:
> > On Mon, 19 Jan 1998, Jordan Mendelson wrote:
> > > My problem with OOPs's is that usually, when one happens.. it is > 25
> > > lines, and scrolls off the screen before the machine is at a dead
> > > halt. Of course, when this happens, that oops sure isn't going to be
> > > written to the logs.

Every time this happens to me, I add an
cli ();
for (;;);
to the "oops" routine.

If you're lucky, changing the "cli()" to "sti()" doesn't lead to the
scrolling-oops-syndrome again, and you can then scroll back if you did
get more than 25 lines, and want to look at an earlier one.


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