Re: 2.2: TaskID's for CLONE_PID? Proper signal handling?

Xavier Leroy (
Wed, 7 Jan 1998 16:19:49 +0100 (MET)

> Synchronous signals (e.g. SIGFPE, SIGILL, etc.) are sent to the
> thread that caused them.
> Directed signals (such as delivered by pthread_kill are delivered to
> the identified thread.

This is as per POSIX, yes.

> Asynchronous signals (e.g. SIGINT, the real-time signals. etc.) are
> sent to an arbitrary thread that doesn't have the signal blocked. If
> all threads have the signal blocked, and a thread is executing
> sigwait (or sigwaitinfo), it is delivered via this mechanism.

Actually, sigwait unblocks the signals it is waiting for, so you don't
have to make a special case for it.

If all threads have the signal blocked, you need to queue the signal
on a process-wide basis, and deliver it later to the first thread that
unblocks the signal.

> In the programming environment which I worked in previously
> (LynxOS), this type of signal behavior made it easy to implement the
> main thread as the "signal handling thread" in a completely
> synchronous manner using sigwaitinfo. Thus, some applications could
> have a signal handling thread, a GUI thread, and an "intense
> processing"" thread.

Agreed, this is one of the most reasonable ways to handle signals in a
multi-threaded application.

- Xavier Leroy