Re: [PATCH] Intel clock speed detection
Tue, 30 Dec 1997 23:43:45 -0600 (CST)

And lo, Thomas Molina saith unto me:
> Rumor semi-confirmed. My AMD K6-166 runs the code just fine
> and reports its speed as 167.04 MHz.
> On Tue, 30 Dec 1997, Robert Woodcock wrote:
> > Rumors abound however that the AMD K6 implements rdtsc. All
> > post-pentium Intel x86 processors such as the PPro and Pentium II
> > implement it also. Apparently it doesn't work on 6x86's. I haven't
> > heard anything on the 6x86MX chips but I'd imagine it would support
> > it. Likewise, I'd take a guess and say the K5 doesn't. (But hey why
> > guess when you can conduct surveys on busy mailing lists? ;)

The UTIME patch seems quite able to rdtsc on my K5; my PR-133 reports:

UTIME cps : 101000000 ticks per second

...and since UTIME has no K5-specific anything AFAIK, the rest of the
world should have no problem with rdtsc on K5 chips either. Apparently
AMD decided to implement all the pentium-specific stuff they could find,
while Cyrix did not...
