Integrated kernel debugging patch - 2.1.76

Keith Owens (
Mon, 29 Dec 1997 21:33:29 +1100

The debugging tools ktrace, memleak and xkdebug can be very useful but
the patches conflict with each other. To make these tools easier to
use, they have been integrated into a single kernel debugging patch with
help text, documentation, full config support. All utilities are stored
in /scripts and subdirectories.

Original code by David Hinds, Ingo Molnar. Updates by John Heidemann,
Mike Galbraith, Keith Owens. Integration by Keith Owens, Mike

40175 Dec 29 21:05 patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76.gz
268 Dec 29 21:05 patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76.asc

You will probably want to get from the same
directory, ktrace works better with a system map which includes the
current modules.

63278dd475a0f0629b53e3271ec78bc0 patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76

For the PGP inclined, patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76.asc was
signed with

pub 917/C817FEC9 1996/12/26 Keith Owens <>
Key fingerprint = 2B 25 0A 31 02 AE CA F7 73 0C 28 69 4A 7B 65 27

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