Original code by David Hinds, Ingo Molnar. Updates by John Heidemann,
Mike Galbraith, Keith Owens. Integration by Keith Owens, Mike
40175 Dec 29 21:05 patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76.gz
268 Dec 29 21:05 patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76.asc
You will probably want to get make_System_map.pl.gz from the same
directory, ktrace works better with a system map which includes the
current modules.
63278dd475a0f0629b53e3271ec78bc0 patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76
For the PGP inclined, patch-ktrace-memleak-xkdebug-2.1.76.asc was
signed with
pub 917/C817FEC9 1996/12/26 Keith Owens <kaos@ocs.com.au>
Key fingerprint = 2B 25 0A 31 02 AE CA F7 73 0C 28 69 4A 7B 65 27
Debug your kernel for fun and profit.
Be gentle with ftp.ocs.com.au, it is only a 28.8K link.