RE: How can I make module 'eepro.o'..?

Lee Seung-Yong (
Sat, 27 Dec 1997 09:56:34 +-900

I try to load module eepro.o, but error message 'Invalid argument' occurred.

According to Module-HOWTO, two arguments (irq, io) are needed,

so I executed '# insmod eepro io=0x240 irq=5'.

But the result was same.

How must I do to input two arguments.

From: Paul Wouters[]
Sent: Saturday, December 27, 1997 9:20 AM
To: Lee Seung-Yong
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: How can I make module 'eepro.o'..?

On Fri, 26 Dec 1997, Lee Seung-Yong wrote:

> Date: Fri, 26 Dec 1997 22:25:27 +-900
> From: Lee Seung-Yong <>
> To: "''" <>
> Subject: How can I make module 'eepro.o'..?
> I want to make module supporting Intel EtherExpress Pro/10.
> How can I make module 'eepro.o'..?

You have to answer yes to the very first question about enabling
experimental code. Though I think it is long overdue for eepro to be
called stable enough for 'normal' inclusion.
Then, later on, you get the proper question for enabling the Intel
Etherexpress Pro.
