Re: Smart Config 2.1.76 available

James Mastros (
Thu, 25 Dec 1997 19:49:01 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 24 Dec 1997, Michael Elizabeth Chastain wrote:
> Hello kernel hackers,
> Smart Config 2.1.76 is at:
> <>
> This version has no new features; it has minor changes to track
> the kernel source.

Once again, It Works For Me. (Fresh tree, this time... I was skipping
patch-2.1.72, and couldn't figure out where all the rejects were comming
from). I have had some problems with CONFIG_UART401, but it seems that
that's common (I'm using the patch already posted here -- remove the test
for CONFIG_UART401=y). Also, modules_install complains:
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.1.76/cdrom
cp: sound_syms.o: No such file or directory
Installing modules under /lib/modules/2.1.76/misc

BTW - has anybody been working on autoloading of sound modules? And
possibly splitting sound & nfs to /lib/modules/'uname -r'/nfs and .../sound?

-=- James Mastros

Information as a base of power is coming to an end.  In the way the world
works tomorrow, the power to *do* *something* *with* *information* is what
will matter. 

-=- James Mastros, rephrasing Nugget (David McNett, Big Man)