Re: NFS locking and statd
Tue, 16 Dec 1997 12:29:10 +0100

On Mon, Dec 15, 1997 at 09:39:08AM -0500, Bill Hawes wrote:
> But it seems to me that if statd is required to use lockd,
> it might be better to subsume the operations into the lockd process
> rather than having yad. Or would it be possible to make statd optional
> for installations that seldom reboot and/or make only light use of
> locking?

The problem is that lockd is a kernel-mode process (for a good reason),
but statd shouldn't be.

As I said, we can get rid of the kernel RPC upcalls and fold the
statd calls into the mount(8) and rpc.mountd programs. This would make
use of statd user-controllable via command line options on both apps.

The only problem I see is that when a remote non-Linux machine reboots,
its statd may sit there forever trying to contact the Linux statd, which
isn't there.

However, I'm not too fond of running lockd without statd. It complicates
things a lot in lockd, I'm afraid.


Olaf Kirch         |  --- o --- Nous sommes du soleil we love when we play  |    / | \   sol.dhoop.naytheet.ah    +-------------------- Why Not?! -----------------------