> Michael L. Galbraith wrote:
> > Do you see this too.. or is my machine broken in some way? What happens
> > here (consistently) is that the first access attempt to an exported
> > root (here I mean /) leads to a slew of 'Permission denied' errors where
> > there should be none. The second and subsequent access attempts leads
> > to the same permission errors, BUT.. they refer to my /usr partition!
> Knfsd handles exports differently than unfsd, so you need to change your
> mount scripts a bit. You have to export each device separately and then
> mount them back into a tree on the client side. If you get a "permission
> denied" error, it means nfsd was trying to cross a mount point on the
> server side -- not allowed in knfsd. Once the exports are properly
> mounted, mount points will be crossed on the client side and the server
> will see access only within a partition.
> I haven't tried exporting a root directory (I'm running knfsd on the
> local machine, so it would be a little confusing), but have been able to
> export several partions and get them remounted properly.
If possible, you should really setup a proper, multi-machined nfs network
and look at the problems with hierarchically mounting root + subsidiary
volumes from a server.
If there is anything further that you'd like me to try in this regard, ask
away. All partitions are being handled properly, so this bug is related
to recreation of the volume nesting on the client, I'd assume.