Re: Another knfsd wart

Rogier Wolff (
Thu, 20 Nov 1997 12:10:33 +0100 (MET)

Bill Hawes wrote:
> David Woodhouse wrote:
> > While you're at it, Bill...
> >
> > The main reason I stayed with unfsd instead of knfsd even before the dcache
> > screwed it up was that knfsd would no longer let you make two exports from the
> > same fs. For example, if I want to export /home/ftp and /home/httpd
> > simultaneously, it won't let me.
> >
> > This wants to be fixed for 2.2, if it isn't already. Could you have a look at
> > it while you've got your fingers in the pie?
> Yes, I'm going to get to work on the exports problem. I seem to recall
> some test wanting an export to be the root of a fs, but it's not
> immediately obvious to me why this needs to be the case. Two separate
> exports would get distinct superblocks on the client side, so even if
> the inode numbers overlapped there wouldn't be a problem.

One of the problems used to be that from a "valid file handle for
/home/ftp" you could deduce a "valid file handle for /home/httpd". As
the posession of a valid file handle used to imply access, this was a
problem. This was with the Sun NFS implementation. I don't think this
still holds for Linux


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