> This isnt a kernel related question exactly. I run squake all the time, I
> am wondering how or who ported win95 quake to linux? is it possible to
> port other win95 programs to linux? like i'm interested in porting diablo
> to linux, could ne1 help me out on how i would accomplish this?
Not sure about squake and that (doesnt have it in the tar.gz?) but
Zoid did glquake and glqw i think he's from threewave (the makers of
capture the flag) Try to track him down and contact him. I doubt you'll be
able to do diablo but since ID have been very helpful with porting their
stuff to linux other companies probably won't be so nice. How about doing
Hexen ][ :) or helping Zoid et al with quake ][ :)
Cheers Adam