Re: Ideas for memory management hackers (2)

Matti Aarnio (
Mon, 17 Nov 1997 01:10:26 +0200 (EET)

> From: Evan Jeffrey <>
> I think it would be better to create a "new" swapfile type for > 128 (or
> 512) MB swap areas, where the swap area signature (SWAP-SPACE ?) would be
> replaced by something like "NEW-SWAPXX" where XX is a short int indicating
> the number of bitmap blocks at the beginning of this swap area. This give
> us an ~8 TB theoretical limit, which is pretty big.

Theorethically nice, but I am such a person who has a habit
of jumping back and forth between radically different kernel
versions (2.0.x and 2.1.x!), and therefore I do prefer methods
that don't require me do radical operations at system boot;
like "mkswap" at each boot on which even the "mkswap" should
recognize what the system understands at the moment...

OTOH, the label does not need info regarding partition (or swap-
file) size, but it well might need info of page size used at
the swap file. (If you move the disk from one host to another
for any reason.. Naeh, way long shots such...)

> Evan

/Matti Aarnio