Socks5 being exploited?

Brian (
Sat, 1 Nov 1997 19:49:25 -0700 (MST)

I would like make note a possible problem with I believe it is socks5..
M$ irc warrior (lame)kids in genereal have been scanning systems for a
listneing port 1080, and once finding this open port they use theses systems
as a username/passwd free access firewall to IRC with.. The Intentions of
the individuals is not one of a good nature. Undoubtly using this to cause
havoc on IRC Networks and to attack others like themselves or innocent
I have tested this with eggdrops inorder to verify.. I have not
isolated the listener of port 1080 yet.. I have been told by some that it
is socks5 firewall software. I will not say this in fact though because of
lack of investigation.. I do notify admins to check there software and to
make sure unwanted invidividuals are not using you was a free ride..
