Printing still broken

German Jose Gomez Garcia (
Wed, 29 Oct 1997 14:45:11 +0100 (MET)

I applied the patch submited here two or three days ago, that was
supposed to fix the bug in printing code, but I doesn't work; I mean
I get other errors, but it still doesn't print.
Now the kernel tries all possible parports devices parport1, parport2,
One thing is clear, the bug is in the lp part of the code, because
my ZIP, using the parport module works fine.
Any other idea??

One O.S. to rule them all, | German Gomez Garcia
One O.S. to find them. |
One O.S. to bring them all |
and in the darkness bind them. | "Wur Qanar Wur Stilor Wur Kas"