question about setting sgid flag

Patrick St. Jean (
Mon, 27 Oct 1997 12:54:15 -0600 (CST)

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Morning everyone!
I was just playing around with this. I created a file and set its
user/group to psj/root and its mode to 0644. Then as psj I tried to set
it SGID. It silently failed. I went through the code and was wondering
if there is a reason that the SGID flag is just silently taken off instead
of returning an error like trying to set something SUID that you don't
It's a simple one line change, which I've included in case the current
behavior (2.1.60) isn't correct.


| Patrick St. Jean              '97 XLH 883       |
| Programmer & Systems Administrator                    +1 713-977-4177 x106 |
| Larson Software Technology               |

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