LD.SO Weirdness

Nicholas J. Leon (nicholas@binary9.net)
Sun, 26 Oct 1997 16:57:07 -0500


In my ever-present struggles with glibc-2.0.5 & 2.1.59, today I saw this
error occur:

Bug in dynalinker ld.so: rtld.c: 317 dl_main: assertion
'_dl_rtld_map.l_libname' failed.

This occured after issueing a 'mv' command. I retried the command and it
went smoothly.

The error didn't occur again.

This is which ld 1.9.5. Nothing else was happening on the box, almost no
daemons, 2 getty's, init, a kernel compile in another vt and bash.


simple is elegant nicholas@binary9.net