Re: Communicator crash; kill -9 won't remove (pre-10!)

Doug Ledford (
Tue, 07 Oct 1997 16:32:58 -0500


> The only thing that I could see happening is that 1629 is stuck in the
> kernel somewhere, no?
> -Rob H.

Yes, it's stuck in the kernel somewhere, likely in a syscall that is never
going to return and is blocked for some reason. The real question is, what
syscall is responsible for never returning and why. To find out, I'd start
communicator with an attached ptrace (or attach the ptrace prior to the hang
anyway), then try to reproduce the lockup (which, if you already know that
it happens in composer, maybe you can find a reliable way to reproduce the
hang). This way, you might actually be able to find out what call into the
kernel is hanging and why, as well as if there should be something done in
the kernel to help fix the problem (depends on if it's a netscape bug or a
kernel bug).

* Doug Ledford                      *   Unix, Novell, Dos, Windows 3.x,     *
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