Re: suidpid( UID, credential? ) ? secure IPC? (fwd)
Darren Reed (
Tue, 7 Oct 1997 09:54:21 +1000 (EST)
In some mail I received from Jim Doyle, sie wrote
> Mainframes also have some other nice things that Unix desperately needs...
> Like Durable Queues (essentially SysV message queues that are ACID
> consistent and persist across reboots). I've been finding it a chore to
> write business-grade applications on Unix without things like cross-address
> space calls, durable queues, etc. Generally, one has to resort to an
> Overkill solution like local-host RPCs and bloated things like Tuxedo
> or (god-forbid) Encina.
Hmmm, Solaris 2.5.1, on the right hardware, supposedly lets you do a reboot
and restore the previous state. Natural extension of the power-save feature,
I guess, which will shut the system down, save its state and then restore it
on power up.
I'm not sure if that measns the mssage queues are persistant across reboots
but I imagine it increases the possibility.